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​Absolute cell references

An Absolute cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells.

Cell references are used in formulas.

An absolute cell reference consists of the column letter and row number surrounded by dollar signs ( $ ). Examples of an absolute cell reference would be $C$4, $G$15, or $A$345.


Click on a cell reference and then press the F4 key on the keyboard.

An absolute cell reference is used when you want a cell reference to stay fixed on a specific cell.


To keep the formula fixed when copying it to other cells: 

1.Input the formula using the absolute reference symbol ($)
2.Copy and Paste the Formula to all the cells where you will need it.
3.Check the formula on the “fx” bar for each cell. It never changes.

Reflection Activity
•What is the difference between absolute and relative cell references in excel?

Excel Importing External data

You can convert any list of data created in other type of files to Excel.   This is the purpose of the Menu called: “Get External Data”, located at the Data Menu.

If you have a list of Names and Telephone Numbers that was created in Word and saved as .txt  you can convert it to Excel as follows:
1.Click on Data Menu and find “Get External Data” Group
2.Click on the icon called “From Text”
3.Find the file that you will convert to Excel  (.txt)                        

4. Click in Next at the “Text Import Wizard”

5. Continue Clicking Next until you see the screen where you   will accept where to put the information.

6. If the cell position is correct press Ok.  If not, modify it.

Reflection Activity
•Mention the 4 locations from where we can import data in Excel.



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