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Indents and margins

Word sets default left and right margins of one and one-quarter inches and default top and bottom margins of one inch. You can, however, increase or decrease these margins if the default settings are not appropriate for a particular document.

Word allows you to indent a paragraph from the left margin, from the right margin, or from the left and right margins. You may want to use indentation to set off special text, such as a quote.

Text in columns

Opposite to tables, If your text has only columns and no rows—like a newspaper story or magazine article, use columns, not tables.

Columns can be set up for an entire document, or they can be used in only one section. In other words, if you are writing a document which has ‘normal’ formatting at the beginning and end and columns in the middle, you can set up multiple columns formatting for just the center section.

To set up columns, go to the Page Layout tab and choose Columns.



Reflection activities of the month:
•Which indents your teacher use when creating a quiz?
•Beside magazines, and newspapers, where else can you find columns? Name 3.

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