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Create a website: Templates, layout and appearance​

Google Sites makes it easy for anyone to create and manage simple, secure group websites. Getting started is easy, and there are a number of helpful templates. More than just a visual theme, site templates can include site structure and navigation, custom page templates, embedded gadgets, and more. Google Sites is powerful enough for a company intranet, yet simple enough for a family website.
Gmail user and password__________________________
Website address___________________________________

Reflection Activity​


  • Name 3 different uses you could give to a webpage.

Adding content to your website

Adding content
An image: Click Insert, select Image, and either browse for an image on your machine or upload one from a specific web address. After you've uploaded and saved the image, you can click it to view it in full screen. You can choose one of these standard sizes for your image: small, medium, large, or original size.
A Google Docs Spreadsheet: Select Spreadsheet from the Insert drop-down menu, and a window appears with a list of the spreadsheets that you own or can view or edit in Google Docs. Click the spreadsheet you want to insert, or enter the URL in the box right below the list of spreadsheets. Click Select and you'll see the properties of the spreadsheet. Select your options and click Save.
A video: Click Insert, select Video, and upload a video from YouTube or Google Video. Paste the URL, enter a title, and save.

Reflection Activity


  • Name 3 types of content you can add to your website.

Page types and structure

In its simplest form, a web site consists of a homepage which introduces the site and provides a list of topics for the visitor to explore. Each homepage topic is often a link to pages that give further information on the subject. These pages can also link to further pages either within the site or to other sites on the web. Often web sites have a pyramid type structure to them. The homepage is at the top, with layer upon layer of pages below.

When building your site you should be aware that visitors could enter your site from any page. Web sites are rarely linear in form, and should instead be considered as a matrix of interconnected pages. To account for a non-linear structure the site needs to have a clear and consistent navigation system available for users to move around the site. If a user enters the site from a subtopic, they should be able to easily navigate back to the homepage and to other sections within the site.
Structure of your website.

Reflection Activity

  • Name the 4 page types available in google sites.
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